邮件回复 - 英语作文•考试英语作文•中考英语作文

2024年5月2日 星期四 上午 7:30

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  From:   amycali5000@aeim.cup
  Subject:   school project
  Hi   there!
  How is it going? Haven’t heard from you for   a long time.
  We are dong a project at school about how   different teenagers in the world have fun. I’d really like you to help me if   you can! So, can you tell me:
  ·what things you   do to have a good time?
  ·why   you think having fun is important?
  If you can think of anything else to   write, please do! In return, I’ll send you some great pictures of me and my   friends in California.
  Thanks very much, and write soon!

  From:   amycali5000@aeim.cup
  Subject:   school project
  Hi,   Amy!
  Thanks for your email. Sorry I haven’t   written sooner. Anyway, you want to know how we have fun here.
  Li   Lei
